Summer Falls - P3295
Main Canal Headworks - P2849
CB Hydropower performs operation, maintenance, and administrative functions for five hydropower projects owned by the Districts - Main Canal Headworks, Summer Falls, Russell D. Smith, Eltopia Branch Canal (E.B.C.) 4.6, and Potholes East Canal (P.E.C.) 66.0. The generation from the five power developments operated and maintained by CB Hydropower is purchased by the City of Seattle, the City of Tacoma, and Avista Corporation.
CB Hydropower provides Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) liaison support and administrative functions for two additional plants owned by the Districts - Quincy Chute and Potholes East Canal (P.E.C.) Headworks. Grant County Public Utility District operates and maintains the projects under forty-year purchase agreement from the date of commercial operation.
PEC 66.0 - P3843
EBC 4.6 - P3842
PEC Headworks - P2840
R.D. Smith (PEC 22.7) - P2926
Quincy Chute - P2937